
quarta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2014

Two Rivers Map V 1.1

Localização: Salzachtal de Salzburg (Áustria) Paisagem fictício, mas perto do original
Cultivos: trigo, cevada, canola, milho, beterraba, batata
alfafa como um rápido crescimento da cultura de cobertura para o Gründüngermod por baixo pra cima
Animais: vacas, ovelhas, galinhas, porcos
Campos: 29 campos de 2,4 ha para 13,27 ha
18 campos de tamanhos diferentes
Map: El Cid
Script Installation: Festus007
Tester: El Cid / Festus007 / SchorschiBW / Coach /
Fin050808 / Ralli / Meyer123
Slurry / lime / Mistmod: TMT / Marhu
ChoppedStraw: webalizer
pig: Marhu
Wassermod: Marhu
Giants: various buildings and decorative objects
Buschi: grass pavers, Flußerle,
Layer cobblestones, various tools,
Forestry signs, log set, Pqletten
Fatian: Arch bridge
Andi Scania: Ferkeltaxe
IHC27: Halls for LU, butcher, laundry
Börndi: current house, high rank, bus stop,
park benches
mailman: barns, loading docks
Funker : guardrails
Chefkoch_LS: Blitzer
Eribus: various textures of the Forgotten
Plants Pack
of vanilla ice cream: some textures from the pack
“Realistic-textures 2.0″
KA88: barriers
Wohlstandskind: Catenary train
Maxter: Sheep
Wellano920: fertilizer, fuel drums, seed
TakerMaco: Power House
bgo1973 / executor Jack: alfalfa
MartinbigM: Mobile Home, cesspit pig
Jauch Paule: Radio Tower, workshop equipment
Steffen30muc: lime / fertilizer warehouse, BGA silo
kirezagar: brick pallet
VertexDezign: machine shops, grain storage
Fendtfan1: Ball Hall, dunghill yard,
bus stop
mf-modding: Kuhsilo
Manuel milk silos
Kai2: Aldi (reorganization to Hofer El Cid)
BernieSCS: ideas for the yard / parts from the court
Wellano920: Ambiente Sound Pack V1
El Cid: Railway station, guest house, several houses in the village, various
Foliagelayer, school, Ponnyhof, forest house,
milk collection, gravel pit, sports court,
construction village, power lines, food storage,
manure heap, various traffic signs, fruit plates,
sugar mill, barn, Hofneubau, bridges
Tamanho: 381,5 MB


Sobre FabinhoBR

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