
Old Streams Farm's Episódio 2

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Publicado por [MFS]Mods Farming Simulator em Quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2018

sábado, 4 de junho de 2011

Oliver Pack


This pack contains..
Oliver 1800 Cab tractor with front and back duels.
Fiat built Oliver 1255 4wd with Cab and loader with mouse controls.
Fiat built Oliver 1255 4wd with front hitch.
Fiat built Oliver 1255 2wd with front hitch.

The Oliver 1800 is a updated version of our original 4wd Oliver 1800 I hope you enjoy it.

Fiat built Oliver 1255′s are all brand new Models I hope you enjoy the as much as we did making them. And for the front loader Oliver you can use the same tools as the MF 240 loader.


Oliver 1800 Cab tractor with front and back duels
Model: Filipe Ricardo, PeterJ
Ingame/Script: PeterJ
Edits: Nikko08

Oliver 1255 Models and skin: gregor96, edited by PeterJ
Ingame, script and sounds: PeterJ
Edites: Nikko08


Leonardo LS

Sobre Leonardo LS

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